Wendell & Wild
Assistant Camera
Wendell and Wild BTS
Wendell and Wild BTS
LC and Grip discuss light scenario
LC and Grip discuss light scenario
Lighting a new take
Lighting a new take
Camera perspective- Sisters show Kat her new room
Camera perspective- Sisters show Kat her new room
Puppet animator rehearsing Kat entering room
Puppet animator rehearsing Kat entering room
Mold Maker/ Additional AC 
Puppet hand Armature
Puppet hand Armature
TC-1630 armature mold
TC-1630 armature mold
Silicone casting of puppet hand
Silicone casting of puppet hand
Head casts
Head casts
TC-1630 priest body mold
TC-1630 priest body mold
Priest silicone body and head cast
Priest silicone body and head cast
Missing Link
Mold Maker/ Assets Photographer/ Assistant Camera
Mold fabrication and foam castings of forest trees and various rocks/boulders
Mold fabrication and foam castings of forest trees and various rocks/boulders
Casting of forest trees and Lionels cane
Casting of forest trees and Lionels cane
Casting of Lionels Cane
Casting of Lionels Cane
Casting of Yeti armor and pike
Casting of Yeti armor and pike
Resin castings of luggage and bench on elephant
Resin castings of luggage and bench on elephant
Clear resin castings for Ice Bridge
Clear resin castings for Ice Bridge
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 
Mold Maker/ BTS Photographer/ Photographer to Makeup Department
Halona Beach Cove, discovering a Mermaid
Halona Beach Cove, discovering a Mermaid
Rob Marshall directing
Rob Marshall directing
Geoffrey Rush as Barbossa
Geoffrey Rush as Barbossa
Applying final touches by Hiroshi and Lenny
Applying final touches by Hiroshi and Lenny
Set dressing in Turtle Bay
Set dressing in Turtle Bay
Joel Harlow final touchups on Ian Mercer
Joel Harlow final touchups on Ian Mercer
Jessica Nelson applying eye contacts on Ian Mercer
Jessica Nelson applying eye contacts on Ian Mercer
Scott Stoddard finaly touchups on Derek Mears
Scott Stoddard finaly touchups on Derek Mears
Mike Smithson applying makeup on Deobia Oparei
Mike Smithson applying makeup on Deobia Oparei
Makeup test for Spanish castaway played by Norberto Moran
Makeup test for Spanish castaway played by Norberto Moran
Rebecca Wright & Joel Harlow clean off makeup
Rebecca Wright & Joel Harlow clean off makeup
Photographing wardrobe & makeup for Penny Rose
Photographing wardrobe & makeup for Penny Rose
Battle: Los Angeles
Mold Maker/ Photographer to Makeup Department 
Cinematographer Lukas Ettlin framing up
Cinematographer Lukas Ettlin framing up
Bridget Moynahan rehearses alien biopsy
Bridget Moynahan rehearses alien biopsy
Makeup department dresses alien for next take
Makeup department dresses alien for next take
Effects crew planning next take
Effects crew planning next take
Cary Ayers painting Alien
Cary Ayers painting Alien
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